The Art of Writing Effective Commercial Tweets
Twitter is all the rage among business owners. They have recognized for quite a while how important Twitter is for the success of their businesses. However, it is not only about using Twitter, it is about writing effectively for business.Writing effective commercial tweets, if done correctly, is a real art form. When you sit down and decide what to write, it is best to have an outline of sorts in your head as to how to proceed. There are levels of success that are directly related to the tweets themselves, such as being retweeted and getting “favorited.” If someone favorites your tweets, you are really successful.
There are several elements that must be considered before you tweet even a single character:
- The language that you will be using
- The medium: Communication
- The system: social networking and distributed messaging
- The interaction: the call to action
- The content: branding, marketing and sales
Your tweets must always have a personal flavor to them and they must always entice the person reading them enough to want to read more and more and want to become more and more interactive. With online marketing and communication, viral is a good thing. However, with that being said, a great deal of communication is successful because it appeals to people on a more intellectual and subtle level. People love to read about things that help to to better themselves and strengthen their professional persona. Also, when you furnish a Call to Action, you are not just providing a link back to your website but you are also asking your readers to share, like, recommend, tweet and forward what you are offering.
In order for your business to succeed online, it depends on the willingness of the readers to get engaged and stay engaged as well as their willingness to share what you are offering to other people in their online communities.
What do your tweets convey?
When you tweet for your business, your objective is that you leave enough of an impression on your readers to make them want to speak about how wonderful you and your business are. Along with that, you want your readers to think of you and your business every time they come across your company’s branding. Not only are you hoping that your readers are aware of your brand but you are also hoping, ultimately, that they buy what you are selling.
When you tweet for business, you are providing useful and direct information that people can absorb and use in quick, easy spurts. Your tweets (in words) must provide a great deal to your readers. They must act as words and images and their appeal must be very powerful. The more appealing your tweets are, the more people will want to interact with you.
What appeals to your readers?
All social media (including Twitter) will only succeed if the reader becomes engaged. You, as the human, are the only one who can convey anything meaningful about your offerings. Unlike in traditional marketing, you must use words alone to attract customers.
The language that is used in your tweets has a totally different flavor than it would in traditional marketing. In tweets, there is a lot more first person used than in traditional marketing. The two methods of communication are equal in their effectiveness and each one hold value within its given context. The linguistic approach that is used in social media appeals to people on a very basic and emotional level.
What types of content are your readers looking for?
The types of content that appeal to your readers when you tweet are recommendations, announcements, requests, questions, answers, invitations and offers. Your tweets should be succinct and clear and very appealing. People don’t have time or patience for anything long or involved online. That is precisely why Twitter is so tremendously successful. Of course, always remember to read over your tweets before you send them. Errors are distracting and they create a negative impression. It is one thing to appear human and it is another thing altogether to appear flawed.
With Twitter being such a vital part of your business’s social media marketing campaign, it is important to embrace all that it can contribute to your business and recognize that it is very creative in its own way. Tweet as much as possible and as often as possible. You and your business will be pleased with the results.
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