Small businesses are perfect candidates to use Social Media to help them reach as many potential customers as the big guys. It tends to level the playing field and allow the small business access to the same opportunities as the bigger companies with deeper pockets.
Let me give you an example of someone who wouldn’t normally use Social Media…a dentist. Dr. Irena Vaksman is a dentist in San Francisco who works in a building with several other dentists. Her husband set her up with a Facebook page, Twitter profile, YouTube channel and a website. She uses Yelp in addition to these platforms to share reviews of her services. Last October, she partnered with Groupon and offered a deal for X-Rays and an exam. This brought her 320 new patients and helped to distinguish her from the hundreds of other dentists she competes with daily. She uses YouTube to share dental and health procedures. She uses Facebook to engage her community base and Twitter to share tips and pointers.
According to a recent University of Maryland study the percentage of small businesses utilizing social media has doubled from 12% to 24% in the last year. Small businesses are seeing the value and adding a line item into their marketing budgets for Social Media…rightfully so!
Would you like to get 320 new customers? I think you should be adding the Social Media line item to YOUR budget. Don’t be afraid about the dollars; Social Media can fit into any budget. You can do it yourself OR you can hire a firm to handle it for you. Whatever option you choose, just do it! Remember…whether you do or not, your competition is.
Article complements of Visual Alliance Media
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