7 Ways to Get Your Blog Posts Shared On Facebook
Article Complements of ProBlogger
This guest post is by Dan Zarella of DanZarella.com.
Want to maximize sharing of your content on Facebook? Here are seven tips that are sure to help.

Have you found these tips to be true when you’ve shared content on Facebook? What other advice can you add?
The Facebook Marketing Book was written by Alison Zarrella and her husband Dan.
Want to maximize sharing of your content on Facebook? Here are seven tips that are sure to help.
1. Publish on the weekend
Many companies block Facebook access from the office, so sharing of stories on Facebook tends to increase over the weekend. Experiment with publishing your stories on Saturday and Sunday.2. Dig deeper into the news
Why” and “how” rank among the commonest words in the titles of most-shared blog posts. Facebook users want to get beyond the soundbite headline. They’re also fans of list-based superlatives like “best” and “most.”3. Include specific digits
Just as Facebookers want to get beyond the headlines, they also like specific numbers. Articles with digits in them do better on Facebook than articles without them.4. Don’t be a social media dork
Unlike Twitter users, most Facebookers are into social media for social media’s sake, they’re not social media dorks. “Google,” “iPhone,” and “Twitter” rank among the least shareable words.5. Write simply and plainly
As the complexity of an article increase, the degree to which it gets shared on Facebook decreases. The same holds true for flowery language replete with adjectives and adverbs. Pick up a copy of The Elements of Style to help refine your writing.6. On Facebook, sex and positivity sell
It may seem obvious, but it’s true: content with a sexual edge does well on Facebook. Of course not every brand can play that game, but there is another useful story in this data. Articles that are positive do better than negative ones.7. Include video
Because Facebook has features that allow for easier and more engaging video sharing, articles that include videos tend to do very well on Facebook. On Twitter, not so much.Have you found these tips to be true when you’ve shared content on Facebook? What other advice can you add?
The Facebook Marketing Book was written by Alison Zarrella and her husband Dan.
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