Is anyone reading your blog?

Complements of Jamie Lynn Morgan from her blog on NW Marketing 411 News

You have been blogging for some time and you don't seem to be getting any traffic. Now you won't always have people that will comment, (although that is nice because feedback is always welcome), but if you have analytics set up on your blog you can tell how many people are visiting and how long they stay on your site. If it seems like people aren't staying very long and you aren't getting very many hits these are some things to consider.
Are you being these three things?

  1. Believable
  2. Genuine
  3. Transparent
Nothing will turn a reader off quicker than a blog post that appears to be made up, fake, and full of sales pitches. There is nothing wrong with your blog having it's own "voice". After all you are the author and your personality is going to be what draws readers in and keeps them coming back for more.

You also need to make sure that everything else that you do with your marketing whether it is on or offline your blog should be the center of everything. Link back to it in social networking sites, encourage people to submit it to news share sites, and make sure it is listed in your marketing materials.

Blogging as hub

Now maybe you are being the three things mentioned above (believable, genuine, and transparent), but you still aren't getting anyone to read your posts. Maybe you are forgetting to do some of the things mentioned here:
  • Appearance: Use visual elements such as video, images, icons, graphs, charts, and other enhancements to make the post more appealing or catch the readers attention. (notice graphic above)
  • Keep it clean and to the point: No one wants to read something that just goes on and on about the same point. 3-5 paragraphs is a good starting point, but remember that sometimes it will take a few more than that to get your point across. Just make sure that you stay interesting and on point.
  • Link to appropriate sources: If you quote someone or are talking about a specific place or business link the text back to the original source. This promotes good will and is also a great way to help out your fellow businesses or partners.
  • Write powerful headlines: Headlines should provoke, confront, and speak directly to your readers.
  • Include reader friendly lists: People are skimming articles more and more and giving them an easy to read list will encourage them to stay a bit longer.
  • Write how-to-articles: It is never a bad thing to provide people with information. It establishes you as an expert and you can gain new customers due to your knowledge of a particular subject.
  • Use storytelling: When you use an interesting story to draw your readers in and in turn it makes you approachable and they realize you are a human being.
  • Interview other people: Sometimes you have a story to tell your readers, but you aren't the best person to do that. Interview someone who has more knowledge on the subject and they in turn will share the post with their sphere of incfluence.
  • Write reviews: If you have used a particular product, gone to a local restaurant, or just have an experience you would like to share write about it.
  • Post consistently: Nothing makes you lose readership or discourages people from frequenting your blog than not be consistent with your posts. If you are going to be away and unable to post then tell your readers or ask someone to come in and provide guest posts in your absence.
As this year comes to a close and we start planning for 2011 it might be a good idea to take a look at what you have done with your blog this past year and decide to start adding some of the elements I talk about above. I am sure your readers will Thank you!

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