Social Media No Use For Your Business? Think Again.
Many business owners still think that they don't need to know about online tools to promote their business and protect their brand. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Here's why.
It doesn't matter if you are online with your business, people can still talk about you, can still complain about you and what you are doing offline, and still rubbish you without you being online to see it happen. Understand, you can go online and add new revenue streams to your business, or you can stay with your face against the glass in your shop waiting for people to wander past and hope some of them find themselves inside your store. Hopefully to buy something you have for sale.
Either way, that's another issue and doesn't alter the fact that you can monitor your brand reputation online with or without a website. Whether or not you like to use the computer or social media. Whether or not you think that the internet is ruining lives and is not for you.
Here's a classic case that just came across my desk.
How Harvey Norman Avoids PR Disaster Using Social Media
The world is changing and if the market doesn't like what you're doing in your business, or in your marketing, you can forget the focus groups - they will let you know without thinking twice about it.
So what are you doing to monitor your brand online?
How will you get to know how to navigate this strange new environment?
Are you prepared to step-up and learn some new things or are you going to just plod along pretending things are like they were before the world got wired and the customers had a way to express their feelings about Everything?
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